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Shanghai 上海

英飞尼迪集团(Infinity Group)源自有着“创业的国度”美誉的以色列,是世界领先的专注于中国市场的跨境投资集团,管理着以色列最早的风险投资基金和最大的创业孵化器,目前透过旗下17支美元/人民币基金和数个孵化器管理超过上百亿的资产和上百家企业。自2003年进入中国以来,英飞尼迪集团在中国的业务发展得到中以两国政府的鼎力支持,其核心投资者包括以色列IDB集团、美国Access Industries和中国国家开发银行等。其采用“创新技术引入+跨境资本投资”的投资模式赢得了中国各地政府的高度赞扬和全力协助,并在智慧城市和科创园区、现代农业、IT和通信、医疗卫生/生命科学、安防、现代农业、教育、节能环保和新材料等领域进行了广泛投资,同时帮助中国企业“走出去”。

Infinity group Group infinity from the entrepreneurial state reputation of Israel, is leading the worlds attention in the Chinese market cross-border investment group, Israels first venture capital fund and the largest incubator, at present through its 17 $/ RMB fund and several incubator management more than tens of billions of assets and hundreds of enterprises. Since entering China in 2003, the British fly infinity group in Chinas business development to the governments of the two countries vigorously support, its core investors including Israel IDB group, access industries in the United States and China State Development Bank and other. The investment model of the introduction of the technological innovation and cross-border capital investment won the high praise from the Chinese governments around the world and full assistance, and a wide range of investment in the field of smart city and a park, modern agriculture, it and telecommunications, medical and health / life science, security, modern agriculture, education, energy saving and environmental protection and new materials, and help Chinese enterprises to go out.




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