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Shanghai 上海

浙江万好万家实业股份有限公司,成立于1992年9月,其前身系无锡庆丰股份有限公司(简称“庆丰股份”)。2003年1月27日,经中国证监会证监发行字[2003]6号文核准,庆丰股份以向沪市、深市二级市场投资者定价配售方式成功发行了6,000万股人民币普通股(A股)。2003年2月20日,经上海证券交易所上证上字[2003]7号《上市通知书》批准,庆丰股份公开发行的6,000万股社会公众股在上海证券交易所挂牌交易,证券代码600576。2006年12月15日,经中国证监会批准,庆丰股份与万好万家集团有限公司进行了资产置换,上述资产置换于2006年12月25日完成,公司主营业务由棉纺织生产加工转变为房地产开发、连锁酒店经营投资,控股股东变更为万好万家集团有限公司。 2007年6月1日起,公司股票简称变更为“万好万家”,证券代码不变。2007年7月6日,公司名称正式变更为浙江万好万家实业股份有限公司,公司注册资本为218,093,090.00元。主营钢材和铁精粉销售、房地产开发。

Zhejiang thousand million Industrial Co., Ltd., established in September 1992, the predecessor of the Department of Wuxi Qingfeng Co., Ltd. hereinafter referred to as Qingfeng shares. On January 27, 2003, by the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the words the securities and Futures Commission [2003]6 No. approval, Qingfeng shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the secondary market investors are pricing way of placing to successfully issued 6000 million shares of RMB ordinary shares A shares. On February 20, 2003, approved by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Shanghai word [2003]7, listing noticeof, Qingfeng shares publicly issued 6000 million shares of public shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange listed trading, stock code 600576. On December 15, 2006, approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Qingfeng shares and whwh Group Co., Ltd. were asset replacement, the replacement of assets was completed on December 25, 2006, the companys main business by the cotton textile production and processing transformation for real estate development, chain hotel business investment, the controlling shareholder change whwh Group Co., Ltd.. Since June 1, 2007, the companys stock referred to as million, the securities code unchanged. July 6, 2007, the company officially changed the name of the company in Zhejiang million industrial Limited by Share Ltd, the company registered capital of 218093090 yuan. The main steel and iron ore sales, real estate development.




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